Walk along with me ^_^

Thursday 30 May 2013

First Coffee Talk

Hi everyone.

         How are you all? Me?I'm doing all fine (wearing a big smile and aching heart). Anyway, the end is always the starting point of something new, something better. This I can promise.
         Anyway, I am in my homeland! Oh, how I miss Borneo. It's Kaamatan season but I don't think that I will be celebrating it. I have not been celebrating it for years because my family thinks that it is a pagan festival. Well, to tell you the truth, it used to be. But nowadays most Borneans celebrate Kaamatan because it is their identity. The animistic rituals are no longer practiced. A lot associates Kaamatan with drinking alcoholic beverages including the famous local 'tapai'; which I don't really agree. It is not like that. I remember meeting this one uncle some time ago, he is the boss of someone I dear. He offered me a drink but I rejected politely because I just didn't feel like adding alcohol into my diet(hoho). Then he said; 'Ongko tulun Dusun ko ti' which means 'you are not a real Dusun'. As if drinking is in the blood of the Kadus people. I do drink but rarely. When I say rarely, it means once or twice a year, a half glass to a  full glass each time. That's it. I managed to smile before him but deep in my heart, I felt very uneasy. You can't say that I am not a Dusun just because I don't drink much. I drink for the purpose of drinking, like coke and tea and etc. Not to get drunk. However, we happened to get along really well.

    I am just so glad that I have finished my third semester. Now, another 5 semesters to go. Maigaddd.....lamanya....By the time I finish my degree, I will be 24 and we're in the open market now. No more guaranteed posting. Bila la buli ada kerja tetap, bila lagi mau kawin, bila lagi mau ada family sendiri. Things are really messy for me now. But you know what they say about God's plan; if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I'm holding to that. 

          I will be going back to my beloved hometown; Ranau tomorrow. I can't wait to see my mom, Ms. Precious and my brother; Benny now that I've seen my dad and Inus. 

Miss Precious a.k.a Bernadette Jauni a.k.a Iddith a.k.a Senradit a.k.a Benradit dan semua yang sewaktu dengannya..

She can be weird sometimes....

but she will always be my little sister. Arrr..womanly tears *wipe wipe

Le Bennydict Jauni a.k.a Benny, Ben, Ombong(hahahaha)..but he'll always be 'Adi' to me.

Advinus Jauni a.k.a Inus a.k.a Vinut

Well, he has always been weird.
Notice the dog at the back, its name is Kurut.

These are old pictures actually. But you know what, I'll take pictures during my two weeks stay at my hometown and will upload them. Until next time *most probably after two weeks. With love, bye.

Friday 10 May 2013

May is Kaamatan month!

Paddy to be harvested on harvest season. Photo is by me so credit to me !

     Hi all. It's May and for the Sabahans, you know what this particular month is famous for-KAAMATAN! So what is Kaamatan, you may ask me. Well, it's an annual cultural event of the KadazanDusuns(Kadus) people as well as several other ethnics in Sabah since time immemorial.  The word Kaamatan is derived from the root word 'tomot', a Kadus term for 'harvest'. So basically Kaamatan is Harvest Festival. 'In it's deepest sense, Kaamatan festival is a manifestation of Creator and Creation relationship, as well as Inter-Creations relationship'-Wiki. The influence of the Christian missionaries during the 20th century had resulted in Christianity rising to prominence among the native Sabahans especially among the Kadus, Murut and Lundayeh people. Thus, Kaamatan is no longer associated with the traditional Kaamatan animistic rituals. However, a small minority still practices them. 

2012 State Level Unduk Ngadau

    Unduk Ngadau is like the phenomenal event every time Kaamatan is celebrated each year. It is a manifestation to the deep sense of respect and admiration the Kadus people have for the legendary Huninodun. Every year, most districts in Sabah would hold Unduk Ngadau beauty pageant to choose a representative to represent their districts to the state level Unduk Ngadau beauty pageant which would be held at KadazanDusun Cultural Association (KDCA) in Penampang.
     However, many critiques have voiced out their opinion that Unduk Ngadau beauty pageant has become just another vain beauty pageant. Blogger Jesse Jeremy Joy wrote in his post entitled 'Unduk Ngadau : Beauty or Cause?' that Nadira Ilana, a Sabahan filmmaker told him that 'the Unduk Ngadau is meant to embody the spirit of Huminodun whereby she represents kindness, wisdom, humility, generosity, selflessness and those origins of her beauty'. These days, Unduk Ngadau beauty pageant is more focused on the concept of physical 'beauty'. According to Jesse, Nadira expressed her concern about the growing number of 'pageants' that only focus on women's physical appearances. 'There's wisdom, values and attributes behind it that the contestants should manifest', Jesse said. The legend behind Unduk Ngadau is what makes this pageant a unique one. The contestants should strive to show their inner beauty instead of flaunting their so called physical natural beauty because the body will change as time passes by but the charisma and wisdom one embody will remain. 

* For further reading, visit Jesse Jeremy Joy's blog Jesse Joy - Unduk Ngadau : Beauty or Cause?

    Anyway, I simply want to share my opinion. I don't mean to say that the crowned Unduk Ngadaus don't deserve the title.  Now I would like to share to you some of the State Level Unduk Ngadau winners. 

Daphne M. Iking, 2003 State Level Unduk Ngadau. She represented Klang Valley.

Madelyne M. Nandu, 2005 State Level Unduk Ngadau. She represented Penampang district.

Joanna Sue Henley Rampas, 2007 State Level Unduk Ngadau.  She represented Tuaran district.

Botiza Arthur Disimond, 2011 State Level Unsuk Ngadau. Again, she's from Penampang.

Melinda Louis, 2012 State Level Unduk Ngadau. She  represented the Telupid district. 

     I know right. They are all gorgeous. Well physically that is. However, being the curious type of person, I've gone to the net and read articles about them. I've  also heard stories from friends who happened to know them. Nevertheless, good job Unduk Ngadaus. May all of you continue to be the ambassadors of our beloved 'Land Below the Wind', that you all are. 

That would be all for now people.

 Kotobian Tadau Tagayo Do Kaamatan (I am a Dusun by the way. That is why I say 'tagayo' instead of 'Tagazo'). Aramai tiii!!

*Photos found in Google.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

When I reflect.

Ever seen a picture and you just can't stop staring at it? I did. Many times. The thing is I really love collecting pictures (I usually download them from the internet. Hohoho) One picture can tell many stories and most of the times; these stories stir something deep inside me. Sometimes they bring back memories and sometimes they just touch my heart. So today I want to share some pictures that really touch me but before that, be informed that I did not take these pictures. I don't own them. Most of them are courtesy of Google. Some I downloaded from inspiring Facebook pages as well as from other websites. So don't spread to others that I claim ownership of these photos. Peace :). So these are the photos..

Okay so you may wonder, "Why this picture?". Remember when I say 'sometimes they bring back memories'? This picture brings my childhood memories back. It reminds me of my grandpa. My aki. I don't remember much about my aki but one thing for sure, he was the best grandpa. I did not get the chance to see my fraternal grandpa so my aki was the only grandpa I knew.  I remember him hesitating to touch my younger brother when he was small as if he was afraid he might hurt him. I remember his calloused hand stroking my brother's head. I remember his tired and old face. I also remember the time when he started falling sick. That was when he seemed not to recognize me anymore. It has been 12 years aki. I really miss you.

Notice one of the mom's/dad's legs? I can't help but notice how happy the puppy is walking beside its mom/dad despite her/his imperfection. Many of us forget how little things can either hurt or make someone happy. The moment when you refuse to walk side by side with your mom/dad because you are ashamed by her/his appearance, she/he is hurt. You may not tell or show that you are ashamed but she/he knows. The moment you give her/him a hug  or do small thing for her/him, she/he is happy. Life is not about finding other people to be in your life. Instead, it is about appreciating those who are already given to you despite their imperfection because those are the people you need in your life.They're given to you by God. Don't take them for granted because He can take them back.

 The moment when you give someone a chance to experience life from you point of view. But most of the times, they never appreciate the chance. When that time comes, walk away.

 At one point, two people can fall for each other. Maybe temporarily, maybe at a wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.

This particular is one of my favs. Babies' innocence always make me smile. When I say babies, I mean all babies. Note that the pup is also a baby. Both are curious. I bet it was the first time they meet each other.

Talking about FAITH.

To all girls.

The caption tells it all. You can always inspire other people. Don't wait for other people to inspire you.

Sometimes you just know when you had enough.

One of the most beautiful pictures ever taken. You see love and courage in  this picture. Simply breathtaking. Sometimes, it is a wonder how animals show love more than human. Here we are claiming ourselves as the most gifted creation of God but we know some of us are incapable of loving. They spread hatred instead of love. They tell sadness instead of happiness. They utter lies instead of the truth. If that is the story, then how gifted are we?

I guess ten pictures are more than enough for today. We walk through life and reflect ourselves. Often do we look at life from the same point of view but changing point of view won't hurt.